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stumbling along

this is one of my favorite photos. matthew alexander henson was a member of the peary expedition, and may have been the actual discoverer of the north pole. and just look at that face. where the heck is he, a cave made of cotton whisps?

at the lamplighter on monday there was a band called no gold that i really liked. nice to see the kids kicking it up to the old talking heads style african pop.

site stuff appears to be getting better, thanks to weston’s work. he thinks he’s figured out the ordering problem, which is always hard with intermittent problems but i think we’re back on track. and the other problems were just my failings in the language of html. i always try to put punctuation where there should be no punctuation. anyway, to celebrate figuring that out, here’s a demo version of cowper’s folly. the album version has worked out well, but i continue to have a fondness for this demo. particularly the way we made larissa and patsy (the other singers) sound like tiny little compressed birds. from another century. Continue reading stumbling along

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cleaning out my closet

so, yesterday i spent a happy saturday going through the archives, otherwise known as cleaning the office. and i found all these old pictures, and a bunch of recordings. so i hereby declare this december to be Nostalgia Month here at hille inc. or Retro Days. or How Did I Get All These Lines On My Face?. Are They “Character” Or Just “Age”? How Come I Didn’t Know I Was So Cute? I Look Like My Niece. anyway, i digress. i think i’ll do a whole page of old promo shots. there’s something particularly odd and touching about the ways one presents oneself to the media. i’ll get that done in a few days.

in the meanwhile, this is a photo of the band circa 1997. barry, me, ford, martin. the classic hille combo, before everyone went salt and pepper. deborah dunn took this picture. and i have about 200 copies of it, because this was back in the days when you had to make hard copies of your photos. i have so many promo shots from the 90s! in fact, anyone who wants one can have one with their order for the next while. if you have any interest, just let me know.

and music! this is a little song that never finished itself, or maybe it was just fine the way it is. this is called “in the end”, and is from a demo for kildeer. from back in 2002, i think i made it at the end of the auditorium shows. a little happy/sad brecht rip off. more to come, i just have to keep sorting things out. happy Nostalgia Month! Continue reading cleaning out my closet