howdy all. look, it’s our romantic russian musical! going up march 17 next year, but you could buy tickets now if you’re a keener: arts club theatre. i’m just plowing through the score, and getting ready for our next workshop. there’s a showing on monday june 15 at the arts club revue stage if you’d like to see it in process. also in process: i have a small solo show on june 21 to talk about What I’ve Accomplished as artist-in-residence at the arts club. new songs! muddled stories! bits and bobs! more details on that coming soon. and what else? the album is coming along very nicely, if slowly. the panto machine is rolling into action: Hansel and Gretel next december. expect some Kraftwerk influence. and i am embarking on a quest with NeWorld Theatre and the great Niall McNeil: at last i get to dive into the King Arthur legend with a bunch of awesome knights. i feel like this post is devolving into code. time for clarity and lunch.
Author: Veda Hille
we’re doing our little cultch wine bar dealie again on April 19. my special guest is the smart and lovely Aislinn Hunter, author of The World Before Us. plan to hear us kibbitz and trade stories/songs, and drink wine. it will be fun again! before that i’m off on ANOTHER HOLIDAY. can you believe it??? who do i think i am? i am someone who is heading to nyc to see some shows, eat some food, and go visit the museum of natural history. after that it will be nothing but knuckling down for the rest of the year, i assure you. yeesh. get off my back already.