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old and new

happy september all!  in the spirit of death and rebirth (or just finally getting round to things) i’m happy to say that Spine is now up on spotify: and other streamy situations.  next up will be Riot Life and Kildeer, and more after that.  i bow to the monsters of modern listening habits.

what else?  well, today i’m watching clips of the rocky horror picture show and getting verklempt at how freaking great it is.  this is in service to my winter master, the east van panto.’m gonna be playing it this year, which will be ridiculous fun as usual.  maybe i’ll dye my hair all bright and wild, like the days of Spine (wild hair not pictured).

and then?  we’ve made a record of the songs from King Arthur’s Night, and there are rumours of epic Arthurian touring afoot. an eye out for that album early next year.

also next year:  Onegin gets a US premiere! friends at Greater Boston Stage Company are gonna raise a glass and sing and dance and shoot and laugh and cry.  and i will get to just sit in the audience with you all.  what a pleasure.

the rest of the time i’m sitting at home playing my piano and getting ready for a new solo touring show that i’m making with the help of Theatre Replacement. first kick at it goes up at the Shadbolt next April.  that may seem far away, but we need the time to make it good.  a Proper Show.  perhaps even supported with Proper Touring.  we shall see, hey?