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touring life

Here is a picture of P. Kleinenstein trying to get cell phone reception in a shack in the woods. The FitsHille attack on the islands last weekend went marvellously well. Our gig on Lasqueti deserves special mention, as it included outdoor showers, an excellent mexican meal, a fine old piano, a woodstove shaped like a dragon, and late night whiskey+brut fitta+queen. Thanks, off-the-grid folks!

And now I am fully engaged in preparing for the european/uk onslaught. As mentioned on the tour page, Barry is off gigging with Neko, Ida, and Fellows (busy boy), so we’ve lured vancouver drummer Skye Brooks into the band. He and Martin and I have been spending a bunch of time in the garage getting ready, and I have to say it’s pretty exciting. Nothing like new blood to get the old blood heated up. I think we’re actually going to rock. Are you ready, deutschland? Continue reading touring life

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here is the promised picture of my little caravan shack, along with the stunning horse jason (nee jesus). we had a marvellous three week residency at the farm, worked on the show (that’s jaime and maiko running sarah’s choreography, with mirae filming), hung out with the horses, swam in the river, and cooked grand meals together. i’m already plotting my return to the caravan, whether they want me or not.

the past weekend’s shows were fabulous. the fits album is officially out (check the music page!), and being snapped up by discriminating oddballs everywhere. my favourite quote of that night was ida’s father leaving the room after our set, exclaiming “now that’s entertainment!”. not a comment i inspire often. and the duplex set at word on the street was pretty good, despite the fact that our thirteen year old members are taking a hiatus. to work on other projects. such as grade 8.

next up for me: a short fits/hille tour of the bc islands this weekend, then into headlong prep for our european and uk tours in october and november. i’ve had a good break from shows, and i’m ready to rock. see you out there! Continue reading onward!