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lazy me

hallo folks, sorry for silence. i’ve been waiting for cameras to get fixed, contracts to be signed, ideas to gellify. gellificate? actually i’ve been busy as heck, but not with anything interesting or bloggable. and next week it’s taxes! maybe i’ll post some receipts for you.

anyway, as soon as i have some photos from friends i’ll put em up. pictures of the band, the fits, and the leaky heaven actors running naked in the woods. in the meantime, happy victoria day. Continue reading lazy me

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surprise! the fits are playing at the railway club tomorrow night. that’s thursday april 12th, along with the lovely amy honey. we’ll be up around 11pm. for only 20 minutes, as usual.

i’m in full gear for the show this weekend with the cbc radio orchestra and friends. we start rehearsals tonight, and i’m all jumpy. and when that’s done, we start making the new record. i’m going to be doing some shameless fundraising for that, so look out. gosh what a busy spring. and the magnolias are particularly fine and floppy this year. Continue reading shows