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busy busy busy

sorry sorry, lack of posting, the blogwatch must be poised at my virtual door. plus this actual post is going to be kind of boring i can tell, just an apoloblog. or would that be a blog about the moon? the moon was gibbous this past weekend. i like saying that.

just got back from winnipeg (where it was -43, oh my lips are chapped) where we had some good early rehearsals for the show on feb 3. the university of manitoba choir is a fine bunch of keeners, more than willing to sing my odd songs about cannibalism, consumption, and love sweet love. while there i went with my friend john to see a great movie, The Diving Bell and the Butterfly. i’m not linking to their site, because it seems to be lightening the film in order to pull you in or something. kinda sickly sweet, their site. but the movie itself is a wonder.

i truly have to run now, but soon there will be more actual information about shows, release dates, and other small events in the eventual history of canadian culture. kisses, v Continue reading busy busy busy

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here we go round again

happy new year, folksens!

i hope you had a nice turning of the calendar. my posse and i went to cortes island (which my fingers keep typing as cortex island) and went for dramatic walks, threw gasoline on bonfires, danced in the kitchen, and played innumerable games. it was good, and now it’s done. and i’m excited to be back at work, thank heaven. here’s what’s going on at the moment: rehearsing with the band to remount the Emily Carr dance show, rehearsing with duplex for our gig in the frozen north, finally sending This Riot Life off to the manufacturer, getting ready for the big show with the University of Manitoba Choir in Winnipeg in february, shooting a video for Laboratory (running around in the woods with a polar bear head on), and getting started on a children’s opera. about trees. i guess i should get to the laundry one of these days too. and get a haircut. it’s going to be a fine busy year.

in other news, my husband’s band No Kids (formerly known as p:ano) is rocking the charts over at david byrne’s internet hangout. their new album comes out this spring, it’s called Come Into My House and it’s really wild. other music that i’ve loved lately (and am not married to) is the new pornographer’s album challengers, mia’s kala, clive bell’s London Listens to Beijing. and still obsessed with judee sill (thanks andy).

ok, time for tea and toast over here. good luck to you all in the newishness. xv Continue reading here we go round again