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ok, so i’m home with the flu, which is fine because i just have to talk on the phone and write songs about trees. but instead, for the last half hour, i’ve been on youtube watching the oscar acceptance speeches and mildly weeping. i’d blame the illness, but this would get me either way. and tilda swinton is the absolute bomb. Continue reading sickday

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continued progress

god, i just spent 10 minutes trying to get a sesame seed out of the computer keyboard. success!

other successful operations: the 2nd round of life support packages (which means the new record) went out on wednesday. depending on where you are, you should have them sometime between today and the end of next week. huzzah! and there are new songs up on myspace, and soon (when i have more than half a second) we will put some up on this music player as well. i did just add a few shows to the tour page, in nyc and the uk. every day a little more.

also, as fran so nicely pointed out in the comments to the last post, you can go and listen to the raft of the medusa choir piece on cbc 2 anytime you like.

what else? i did a cute interview with sook yin lee for dnto (cbc1) on wednesday, i think that will air on saturday afternoon…..or maybe that’s not for a few weeks. it was fun though, i played casios in the woods and hugged trees with her. the mascall dance shows continue to go well, and the weather keeps getting slightly warmer. i think that’s all i have to report. til next xv Continue reading continued progress