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The Shop

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5 thoughts on “The Shop

  1. Already pre-ordered Veda’s new album. Yay!
    Can’t wait!

  2. Dear Veda Hille

    I am trying to give Stuart McLean the Canada’s Walk of Fame award

    He is a Canadian Story teller who touches people around the globe. He gives back to his community with the Arthur Arwards to recongnize the every day people and he showcases local musical talents. As I am only one person I kindly ask that you Please vote for and pass this on to your musical connections as you see fit. It would be great to have him finally be recognized as the canadian icon that he is with more than a million fans. Thanks and I apologize if I am messaging you out of the blue, I saw that you played with him. Sincerley Margaret MacKenzie Canadian Military Spouse living in Germany. CHeers m

    Canada’s Walk of Fame 2014 National Nomination Promotion

    Canada’s Walk of Fame 2014 National Nomination Promotion

    Canada’s Walk of Fame 2014 National Nomination Promotion

  3. Howdy. If I buy a download from your shop, what kind of download will it be? Will it be an MP3 at bit rate 256 or 320 or FLAC or… Cheers.

  4. hi dafydd. it will be a 320 mp3. cheers to you!

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