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shows shows shows

hallo hallo friends.  i hope you are doing alright in the new times.  i often feel melancholy and confused, but thanks to our dear friends at and my compulsive neverending drive i do have some stuff to do this fall.  three shows in fact!  check them out on the page.  all live online, and hopefully some with live audience as well, depending on where we’re at in the covid cycle.  First off in October there’s Little Volcano, the solo show i made with Maiko and Jamie at This will also be the release date of the Little Volcano solo album, on vinyl and download.  And then Amiel Gladstone had the bright idea of getting the Craigslist Cantata going again, in these times where we just want to connect with humans and do that laugh/cry thing. Super excited to play those songs again in November.  Of course in December the geniuses at Theatre Replacement have figured out a Panto Solution, for all your Panto needs.  Panto Come Home! will be online and fingers crossed a little bit live (for 50 people per night).  A best-of, a revisit, a whole bunch of panto songs from the last 7 years, plus new kinds of funny and dumb.  What we do best.

I will also do a few more online solo concerts through Side Door, to be announced in September.  I do hope some of this is useful for you, and that i might see your face swing by on the zoom universe.  I miss you too.

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shows x 2 this week

this month, i’m happy to announce i still have friends!  and thanks to the epic efforts of dr bonnie henry we are allowed to be in the same room, at a safe distance.  this friday, June 12,  i’m playing two separate sets with Samantha Parton and Oh Susanna, and it’s going to be sweet.  these online shows at the cultch have been an oasis for me; it’s easy to feel small these days, but in music I feel life and power.  a small bright flag we can wave together.

first set at noon pacific:

second set at 6pm pacific: