hello vancouver! the jetlag has lingered and left, and i am at last able to address you coherently. we are home. we miss berlin. we love our little house. i have at last updated the shows page. look so many shows! and that just takes us up to the end of 2013; there are more in 2014, and some of them are outside of vancouver. more on that soon.
there is also a Secret Show. if you would like to come to an invite-only workshop presentation of a new musical on november 4 or 5, send me a message at veda at vedahille dot com.
what else? i wrote a new album of songs in berlin. i will start making that record this winter. as for the other records, i am updating the store so you will be able to buy them soon. i am reading per petterson, and i am happy to be cooking autumn food. i hope you are all well.