happy birthday to this new album, possibly my 25th release, depending on how you count. ridiculous. but also delightful. made with my good friend nicholas krgovich, and lots of others too. you can get it here on this site, or on https://vedahille.bandcamp.com/ or all the other places, many of which are linked here: https://linktr.ee/vedahille and videos! that feature beaches. i’m sitting here in my pjs, “releasing” it and listening to it again. because nick shouldered so much of the work on this one, i still love listening to it. that’s a gift. hope it’s good for you too!

I’m happy to peep out of the bushes and show you a new video today, with a new song, a predecessor to the new album Beach Practice! here’s your linkstravaganza:
watch the video here: https://youtu.be/8vQ8Ffre2iM
buy the single and preorder the album here: https://vedahille.bandcamp.com/album/beach-practice
and here’s links to the streaming places: http://linktr.ee/vedahille
the album will be available here as of march 31 on cd and digital, and the vinyl will be ready by early june, just in time for a concert at the Cultch which will be streamed online. we’re making touring plans for later this year and into 2023. here’s to music in rooms with people!
this album would not exist without Nick Krgovich, who said we could make a record in covid times and was so so right. lovingly mixed by Joseph Shabason, covered in beautiful players, and the video above was made by old friend Geoffrey Farmer. love to them all, and you all, and us all.