hallo folks. due to some misadventures with publicity timing the chapel show has been cancelled, alas. but you can still go see azeda booth at the railway club on july 22. i hope to be there, downing a celebratory martini after finishing the mix for This Riot Life. we start on monday, i’m very excited. and as colin sets up the songs every day i’ll be working on the prize ribbons. i’ll mail out the first round of life support packages at the end of the month.
what else? i’ve just finished a film with ivan coyote called The Love That Won’t Shut Up. it’s about queer history in vancouver, and was commissioned by Out On Screen, our gay film fest. the film will play at the Vancity Theatre on august 24th, and ivan and i will both perform at the screening. another OOS event: John Cameron Mitchell is coming!!! I’m very excited, and hope to meet him.
what else? (or: Why Haven’t I Been Posting?) i’m working with the leaky heaven circus on a show about cannibalism, i just made a pilot/pitch to host a cbc show about cabaret, there’s an opera in the offing, i’m making music for some ice dancing choreographed by jennifer mascall, and the fits have learned the Tom Lehrer song the elements. oh, and i’m reading the new annie dillard book the maytrees. she slays me.
and a few days ago, we wrangled 4 guinea pigs out of our back yard. it’s non-stop adventure around here folks. i better get out of the computer room and see what’s going on now. xx v Continue reading and july