this is a live track of my band (barry, martin, patsy, peggy, ak) with nick krgovich as a Special Guest at the album launch for kildeer in vancouver, april 2005. nick is the ringleader of the band p:ano. he arranged and played all the instruments on the kildeer version of bedlam, and for the show he came up with a completely different arrangement. full of arrangements, that guy. Continue reading even more bedlam
Author: Veda Hille
paypal still a fuzzy dream
alas, although we have debugged our paypal connection somewhat, it is still not up and strong and walking around. and now weston, my webmaster, has gone off to gambier island for the long weekend to build an outhouse. which just goes to show that even internet geniuses still have to deal with the stinky physical world.
so fingers crossed for next week, as with all the other indistinct elements of the site. but there’s still lots to look at! and here’s one of my favorite songs from Silver, played live at the Vancouver East Cultural Centre last year with barry, peggy, ak, martin, and patsy. a toast to good ideas. happy labour day. Continue reading paypal still a fuzzy dream