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Mark Mushet is an old old friend who has taken really a lot of pictures of me.  I should dig through the files and make a gallery for you, maybe that’ll be a midsummer project.  Anyway, he suggested a few weeks ago that we make a video for the song Time from Beach Practice, and then he came to my house and ran the camera and paired my ol’ face with his truly gorgeous abstract nature work.  And here it is:

I’m lucky to have such accomplished friends.  Now it occurs to me that I haven’t posted here about another video made by other lovely pals Cameron Anderson, Maiko Yamamoto, and Pippa Mackie via the Cultch.  With LOTS of sweet neighbourhood folks:

And I may as well remind you about these other vids too, since we’re here: Beach Practice by Allison Hrabluik Tracers by Geoffrey Farmer


we’re hitting the beach this afternoon, in a small vancouver heatwave.  i hope the summer is looking good from where you are, and that you can jump in the water and float for a while.
