this neither.
this neither.
Then think again! An absolutely spiffing study of the Wistful Fox (a rarely seen cousin of the much-loathed Cunning Fox, scourge of many a chicken coop and unwary Gingerbread Men the world over).
It’s not that the Wistful Fox is less likely to get in amongst your chickens, far from it. But while its Cunning cousin will have the heads off your entire brood of Barred Plymouth Rocks in a jiffy, the Wistful will pause at the pop-hole, lamenting the fact that it really just fancied a tasty little Light Sussex Bantam, nothing big, coyly playing with treasured memories – snowstorms of white feathers and narrow escapes from wire-haired terriers – before deciding that, really, a light salad will do for this evening.
(Assuming the rabbit leaves that last parsnip, I’m not really in the mood for a carrot).