september will always mean a new year for me. the gears are shifting, the air is brisk, new ideas are flying around willy-nilly. i just updated the shows page; still no touring on the horizon but many exciting projects coming up in the next few months. the Craigslist Cantata continues, Peter Panties rolls ahead, Dress You Up In My Love soldiers on. more details as the shows get closer, and for now, get out there and go for a walk. i’m going to.
Well, speaking of Veda ;-), here’s a new podcast of her:
Yeah, folks, it’s that Cultch concert, but it’s just perfect, and Veda pretty much rulezzzzz any way you look at it.
So, check it out…;-)
Veda Hille Singing Polaris Review from her home:
thanks raff, you continue to amaze me with your diligence!