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german shows

i just updated the shows page. a scattering of deustchland doings. otherwise, keep an eye out for me on my bike in kreuzberg. almost ready to go….oh, and thanks for all the reading advice! i now have 6 big books to haul around. that should keep me occupied for a few weeks.

6 thoughts on “german shows

  1. Hey, I will finally see your concert! Yay!

    I will try to attend to the Berlin concert on September 20th (vacations start on September 18th). Otherwise, I will see you in Dresden.

    BTW, I love “Do You Experience?”. New fave… Anxiously waiting on “Worser”.


  2. See you in Berlin Veda – hopefully…

  3. Hi,
    hope to see you in Dresden. But what’s the Club/ Location you’ll play at oktober 3.?

  4. hi torsten. i usually play in the 3 spired church in dresden, but i’m not sure yet. my agent gets back from holidays on monday, as soon as i have a location i’ll post it. thanks for paying attention!

  5. Hi,
    thanx for your answer, but what means the “3 spired church”? Drei-Königskirche maybe… i hope your agent has the facts soon. good night!

  6. yes, drei konigskirche it is. see you there!

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