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folk triumph

well, that was an excellent folk festival in vancouver this year. highlights for me: arrested development and los abajos on stage 6, john k samson’s new solo songs, fun times playing with dan mangan, and of course bringing our ridiculous craigslist cantata to the mainstage. i’m still a bit dazed and sunstruck, tell truth.

in other tentative technology steps, i am going to try to twitter. i may fail miserably (my god, does the world really need more short-form content?) but if you would like to accompany me on my downward slide feel free to follow along.

6 thoughts on “folk triumph

  1. I heard the Craigslist Cantata for the first time at the Folk Festival and thought it was absolutely brilliant! Totally delightful. Thanks!

  2. What will your twitter name be, Veda? I will definitely follow you!

  3. my twittername is vedahille. there are two fairly boring twitters up there now!

  4. ok twitterfolks, should i unprotect my twitter account? or is it better to approve everybody individually?

  5. There are pros and cons. Pros are that you are accessible and your tweets can be read by more casual fans who may not want to appear stalkery (I, as it turns out, do not have that problem). Cons are that you get spam followers and maybe crazies on occasion. But you do have the option to block! Hope that’s helpful.

  6. thanks kari! and just so’s you all know, the fact that i tweeted 4 times today should not be taken as a habitual state. a learning state.

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