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excellent splint

howdy folks. just thought i’d let you know that the hand doctor says i’ll be just fine, so long as i wear my fancy new splint for 6 weeks solid. such a relief.

also, i am going to be singing a bit at the theatre replacement DC6 party this saturday night at the russian hall in vancouver. tickets are only $5! entertainment! art auctions! and you can get a look at my splint. splint splint splint. that’s one of those words that gets weird if you say it over and over. try it! maybe just in your head if you are at work.

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1 thought on “excellent splint

  1. splint splint splint
    cast cast cast
    6 weeks 6 weeks 6 weeks
    our various limbs will be released at approximately the same time…i wonder if i’ll be able to play piano?

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