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only -18

hello friends

i am in winnipeg, on a rare free day in this busy month. i went for a walk, because it is not SO cold, but turns out -18 is still fairly chilly. bracing, you could call it.

the show last night at the winnipeg new music festival went very well. westminster is a gorgeous wooden church, and it was filled with many listening people. all the choirs had odd and adventurous music for us, and my songs with the University of Manitoba choir were basically a joy to perform. that will be on the radio on feb 12, and again on feb 17, on cbc’s The Signal. when i have the internet link i’ll post that too. the emily carr dance shows have been going well too, and riot life has begun it’s halting journey in the world.

oh, that reminds me; Life Support System, the reason i haven’t mailed your records yet is that there is a special component that isn’t finished yet….a fancy cardboard sleeve that got delayed in production. so i do have the cds themselves, but i want you to have the whole package. because i laboured over it, and i think it’s nice. so hopefully i’ll have those back in about 10 days, and then your final envelopes will be mailed out! if anyone has changed their mailing address, do let me know.

ok, time to find an airplane. til next x v Continue reading only -18

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this neither.

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